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© 2024 Radformation, Inc. All rights reserved.

All content on—including text, graphics, logos, designs, and other materials—is owned exclusively by Radformation, Inc. and is protected under both United States and international copyright laws. You are allowed to use, copy, and distribute materials from this site for the purposes for which they are provided, which does not include any commercial use, unless expressly provided by Radformation.. When doing so, you must include the copyright and trademark notices provided by Radformation. Additionally, the use of Radformation's name or trademarks for commercial advertising or publicity is strictly prohibited without explicit prior written consent.


The trademarks, including service marks, logos, and designs associated with Radformation products or services, whether registered or not, are the property of Radformation, Inc., its licensors, and subsidiaries. These trademarks are protected by U.S. and international trademark laws. Trademarks owned by other parties are the property of their respective owners.