
ClearCheck is an automated plan check and documentation software that ensures the highest quality treatment plans and helps clinics save time with in-depth plan checks, quick plan comparison, and instant documentation. Standardize and simplify your plan evaluation process with ClearCheck.

Schedule a demo
Automate your plan checks
See ClearCheck in action

Now DICOM Compatible!

TPS Compatibility

  • Eclipse™
  • RayStation®
  • Monaco®
  • Pinnacle®
  • Ethos™
  • BrainLab®
  • Unity®*
  • MRIdian®*
  • Oncentra
  • Tomotherapy®*

Plan Compatibility

  • Photon
  • Electron
  • Proton
  • Brachytherapy
See ClearCheck in Action

*Some features may not be available for all treatment planning systems

Implement TG-275 with Ease Using Automated Checks

Dose Constraints

Dose Constraints

Structure Checks

Structure Checks*

Plan Checks

Plan Checks*

Prescription Checks

Prescription Checks**

Collision Checks

Collision Checks



See ClearCheck in Action

*Some features may be limited using DICOM functionality

**Not supported with DICOM workflow

Constraint Checks

Icon of a graph line with letter V

Volume Constraint
Min Volume Spared
Min Volume Constraint
Volume Table

Icon of a graph line with a letter D

Dose Constraint

Icon of a graph line with mean icon in the center

Max Dose
Min Dose
Mean Dose
Max Dose Table

Icon of two concentric circles

Conformity Index
Paddick Conformity Index
Gradient Index
Gradient Measure

Icon of two circles intersecting

Dose Spill
ICRU Homogeneity Index
RTOG Homogeneity Index

Icon of two different size circles next to each other

Hot Spot Outside or Inside Structure

Icon of two different size circles next to each other

Build your own Custom Constraint

ClearCheck Plan Sum Builder NEW!

Mix and match different plans and registration sources to create a comprehensive view and visual analysis of multiple plans.

Deformed Dose Analysis

with AutoContour
  • Create and Analyze Deformed Dose Plan Sums
  • Evaluate all constraint types
  • Compare Deformed Dose Plan against Eclipse Plans and Plan Sums
  • View DVH and dose distribution
  • Calculated BED and EQD2 on Deformed Dose Plan Sums
Deformed Dose Analysis

One-Click Printing

Print a thorough report for either a plan or plan sum in one click. Easily and quickly generate documentation to support IMRT planning charges and comply with the ACR–ASTRO Practice Parameter For IMRT.

Dose Constraints

Evaluate plans easily with 20 different dose constraint types and the ability to analyze BED and EQD2 doses.

Dose constraints displayed

Structure Checks*

Catch errors before treatment planning with 11 types of structure checks.

Plan Checks*

Easily conform to departmental standards to identify deviations in patient treatment plans with over 90 plan checks, including the option to create custom plan checks.

Prescription Checks**

Quickly verify that treatment plans match prescribed treatment.

*Some features may be limited in ClearCheck DICOM

**Unavailable in ClearCheck DICOM

Plan and structure checks displayed

Collision Checks

Predict collisions with customizable LINAC gantry head, electron cones, and SRS cones. Detect collisions with CT HU values, the external body contour, and support structures.

Collision checks displayed Collisions

Seamless Eclipse Integration

Accelerate your workflow with Eclipse integrated evaluation of dose constraints, plan checks, structure checks, prescription checks, and collision checks.

  • Create comprehensive custom plan reports and automatically add ClearCalc independent calculation results
  • Simplify documentation with direct report PDF printing to the ARIA documents workspace
  • View Portal Dosimetry verification plan analysis and send results directly to the ClearCheck report

Eclipse Workflow



Launch ClearCheck via Eclipse API



Instant plan evaluation and automated reporting

Chart Rounds/Peer Review Module

available with Eclipse™
  • Launch ClearCheck as an ESAPI standalone app
  • Search, create, and save a patient focused worklist
    • Advanced Search requires ARIA
  • Display important information needed for Peer Review and Chart Round review
  • Assign Chart Rounds Status and record attendees
Chart Rounds Module

We've been using ClearCheck for several months. In the hierarchy of clinical benefit divided by cost, I think it's second only to a thermometer.

Thanks for listening to our feedback about product improvements. Radformation has quickly grown to be one of my favorite companies and ClearCheck one of my favorite products.

On behalf of the entire Medical Physics community, keep up the good work. Thank you for developing a product that ACTUALLY helps clinical physicists.

    ClearCheck Overview

    By automating your plan evaluation and reporting, ClearCheck streamlines treatment planning while ensuring the highest safety and quality standards of patient care.

    Resources for current ClearCheck users

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